TB Ab Test Kit - TEST NHANH HÓA CHẤT ĐỘC HẠI VỆ SINH AN TOÀN THỰC PHẨM, Vi khuẩn gây bệnh, kháng sinh, siêu vi, độc tố, ngộ độc cấp tính, thuốc trừ sâu, bảo vệ thực vật, phát hiện dư lượng thuốc BVTV nhóm Carbamate, Phospho, lân hữu cơ trong rau, quả, Mycotoxin kit kiểm tra nhanh độc tố nấm mốc, Kit test Aflatoxin B1 cà phê, kiểm tra nhanh nhóm beta agonist, kiểm tra Immuno ELISA TEST KIT, test nhanh β–agonists, nhóm β–agonists, Test nhanh ELISA TEST KIT, Beta lactam, xét nghiệm bệnh thú y

TB Ab Test Kit



Test Kit 

Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the most common in the lungs but can also affect the central nervous system (tuberculous meningitis), lymphatic system, circulatory system (labor statistics), genitourinary system, bones and joints.

Currently working as primary infection and the most common, affecting 2 billion people ie 1/3 of the population, with 9 million new cases each year, causing 2 million deaths, mostly in developing countries.

Most (90%) of TB infections are latent asymptomatic. 10% of these people in their lifetime will develop into TB disease have symptoms, and if left untreated, it will kill 50% of the victims. Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused 3 deaths highest in the world

IMMUNO TB Ag test Kit is a sandwich lateral flow immunochromatographic assay for the qualitative detection of  Respiratory syncytial virus antigen  in Specimen


Code Product Format Specimen LOD Packing Shelf Life
GA131C TB Ab   Cassette NS      10 test 24M


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