The pepper industry in Viet Nam has expanded rapidly from exports of around 18 000 tonnes in 1995 to five times this level, 96 179 tonnes in 2005. The cultivated pepper area and estimated production are around 50.000 ha and 100.000 tonnes in 2009 respectively. Currently, Vietnamese pepper output accounts for over 30% and nearly 50% market share of world trade. Due to unsuitable conditions for cultivation such as diseases, soil, climate, its area will be reduced in coming years according to recomemdations of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam. However, other resource, to keep stable price, it recommended farmers to maintain the current growing acreage of about 50,000 ha, concentrating on intensive cultivation to increase productivity and quality for 100,000 tonnes of pepper per year.
Peper farmers toward food safety and hygiene prodution under Vietnam Good Agriculture Production (GAP) standard. Some farmers have started setting up organic farms. It is hoped that its quality is more and more better and stable in agricultural ecological system. It is recommended that the harvest, process and storage in accordance with international technical specification standards. Now, there are 13 pepper processing manufacters, capacity is about 60,000 tons per year, processing safety pepper, sterile, high standard, meet the requirements for export to the United States and European countries. Other advantages of Vietnam’s pepper is its stable quality and production.
Our pepper quality indiced are determined by moisture, density, mixed others, peperine, ash non-soluable in acid, non-volatile ether, volatile oil.
Pepper area of the South in 2008-2009: 46.759,7 ha