1- Introduction FRUITS OF VIETNAM

 Fruit production in Vietnam has developed very significantly in recent years. This sector has experienced rapid growth because income per hectare from growing fruits is four to eight times greater than from growing rice. In the rapidly expanding markets of Vietnam, it has been easy to sell fruits so producers have concentrated on quantity rather than quality. However, this system of production is likely to change, because traditional growing techniques are often irregular and inadequate, disease-control measures are poor and markets are changing, with better quality fruit being sought by consumers.

The lack of basic information of the fruits grown in Vietnam is a bottleneck for further development. Although there are numerous kinds of fruits in Vietnam, it is not possible for the author to cover them all in this small publication. The present document only attempts to compile existing information on six major fruits, four potential fruits, and six minor fruits. Pertinent information on each fruit includes scientific and vernacular names (in English, French, and five Southeast Asian nations - Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam), general description, origin and distribution, ecology, genetics and improvement, major cultivars in Vietnam, propagation, planting, pests and diseases, fruiting season, harvest and yield, post-harvests operation, problems, and prospects.

Major Fruits

These are fruits that are most commonly found in Vietnam. They are listed in Table 1. However, the present document covers only six major fruits having the highest priority in development, namely longan, lychee, mandarin, mango, orange and pummelo.


Table 1. List of major fruits of Vietnam

Scientific name

Common name

Vienamese / other SE Asian names

Anacardium occidentale


Dao Lon Hot, Cay Dieu / Jambu Monyet (Ins), Gajus, Jambu Monyet (Mal), Kasoy (Phi), Mamuang Himmaphan (Tha)

Ananas comosus


Dua, Thom, Khom / Nanas, Danas, Naneh (Ins), Nanas, Nanas Pager (Mal), Nanas, Apangdan (Phi), Sapparot (Tha)

Annona squamosa

sugarapple, sweetsop

Na, Mang Cau Ta / Sirkaja, Sarikaja, Atis (Ins), Nona Sri Kaya, Buah Nona, Sri Kaya (Mal), Atis (Phi), Noi Na (Tha)

Annona muricata


Mang Cau Xiem / Sirsak, Nangka Belanda, Nangka Seberang (Ins), Durian Belanda, Durian Benggaka, Durian Makkah (Mal), Guayabano, Atti, Illabanos (Phi), Thurian Thet, Thurian Khaek (Tha)

Artocarpus altilis

bread fruit

Sake [seedless] / Sukun [seedless], Kelur, Timbul [seeded](Ins);Kelor [seeded] (Mal); Rimas [seedless], Kamansi [seeded] (Phi); Sa-ke [seedless], Khanum Sampalo [seeded] (Tha)

Artocarpus heterophyllus


Mit / Nangka (Ins, Mal), Jak, Lanka (Phi), Khanun (Tha)

Carica papaya


Du Du / Pepaya, Gedang, Kates (Ins), Betek, Ketelah, Kepaya (Mal), Kapaya, Lapaya (Phi), Malako (Tha)

Citrullus lanatus


Dua Hau / Betek (Ins), Beteka (Mal), Taeng Mo (Tha)

Citrus aurantifolia


Chanh Vo Mong, Chanh Ta / Jeruk Nipis, J. Pecel (Ins), Limau Nipis, L. Asam (Mal), Dayap (Phi), Manao (Tha)

Citrus medica


Thanh Yen / Jeruj Sukade, Sitrun (Ins), Limau Susu (Mal),Bulid (Phi), Manao Khwai (Thai)

Citrus reticulata


Quyt / Jeruk Keprok, J. Maseh, (Ins), Limau Kupas, L. Langkat, L. Cembul, L. Tommbong, L. Hijau (Mal), Sintones, Dalangghita (Phi), Som Khieo Wan, Som Saeng Thong (Tha)

C. reticulata x

king mandarin

Cam Sanh / Jeruk Jepun, J. Cina, J. Cina C. sinensis mandarin, Licin, J. Kondeh, J. Cempage, J. Kuwik (Ins), Limau Tangor Cina, L. Kupa Raja

C. reticulata xC. maxima


Cam Bo Ha / -

Citrus sinensis

sweet orange

Cam / Jeruk Manis, Chula, Choreng, (Ins), Limau Manis, L. Langgat, L. Hupa, L.Wangkang (Mal), Kahel, Daladan, (Phi), Som Tra, Som Kliang (Tha)

Cocos nucifera


Dua/ Kelapa, Nyiur (Ins, Mal), Niog, Lobi, Inniug, Ongot, Gira-gira, I-ing, Ngot-ngot (Phi), Maphrao (Tha)

Dimocarpus longan


Nhan / Lengkeng (Ins, Mal), Lamyai (Tha)

Diospyros kaki


Hong / Kesemek, Buah Kaki (Ins), Buah Kaki, Buah Samak (Mal), Phlap Chin (Tha)

Durio zebethinus


Sau Rieng / Durian (Ins, Mal, Phi), Thurian (Tha)

Fragaria x ananassa


Dau Tay / Arben (Ins), Strawberry (Mal), Freasa (Phi), Satroboery (Tha)

Garcinia mangostana


Mang Cut / Manggis (Ins, Mal, Phi), Mangkhut (Tha)

Hylocereus undatus

dragon fruit

Thanh Long / Kaeo Mangkon (Tha) (being a newly developed fruit, no local name in other country is available except for Thailand)

Lansium domesticum


Bon Bon / Langsat, Kokosan (Ins), Langsat, Langseh (Aglaia domestica) (Mal), Lansones, Boboa, Buahan (Phi), Langsat (Tha)

Litchi chinensia


Vai / Litsi, Kalengkeng (Ins), Laici (Mal), Letsias, Licheas (Phi),Linchi (Tha)

Mangifera indica


Xoai / Mangga (Ins, Mal, Phi), Mamuang (Tha)

Manilkara zapota


Hong Xiem (N), Xaboche (S) / Sawo Manila, Ciku, Sawo Londo (Ins), Ciku, Sau Menila, Zapote (Mal), Chico (Phi), Lamut, Lamut Farang (Tha)



Chuoi / Pisang (Ins, Mal), Saging (Phi), Kluai (Tha)


ladyfinger banana

Chuoi Ngu [King banana] (N), Chuoi Gia (S) / Pisang Mas (Ins, Mal), Kluai Khai (Tha)


Cavendish banana

Chuoi Gia / Pisang Ambol (Ins, Mal), Kluai Hom (Tha)


wild balbi, siana banana

Chuoi Hot (pig banana) / Butuhan (Phi), Kluai Tani (Tha)



Chuoi Bom / Pisang Tanduk (Ins, Mal), Kluai Klai (Tha)



Chuoi Tay / Pisang Awak, P. Rastali (Ins, Mal), Kluai Namwa (Tha)

Nephelium lappaceum


Chom Chom / Rambutan (Ins, Mal, Phi), Ngo (Tha)

Passiflora edulis

passionfruit, purple granadilla

Dao Tien, Qua Lac Tien / Buah Negeri, Pasi, Konyal (Ins), Buah Susu, Buah Selasih, Markisa (Mal), Pasionaria, Maraflora (Phi), Lin Mangkon, Katoklok Farang, Saowarot (Tha)

Persea americana


Bo / Adpukat, Avokat (Ins), Buah Mentega, Avokado, Apukado (Mal), Luk Noei, Awokhado (Tha)

Prunus selicina


Man / Ijas Jepang (Ins, Mal), Phlam (Tha)

Psidium guajava


Oi / Jambu Batu, Jambu Biji (Ins, Mal), Bayabas, Guayabas, Kalimbahin, Biabas (Phi), Farang (Tha)

Punica granatum


Lu’u, Thap Lu’u / Delima (Ins. Mal), Granada, Dalima (Phi), Thapthim (Tha)

Pyrus pyrifolia

oriental pear

Le /Apel Jepang (Ins), Lai (Mal), Peras (Phi), Sali (Tha)

Sandoricum koetjape


Sau / Kecapi, Ketuat, Sentul (Ins), Sentul, Kechapi (Mal), Santol, Santor, Katul (Phi), Krathon (Tha)

Spondias cytherea

ambarella, otaheite apple

Coc (S), Sau Van Nam (N) / Kedongdong Manis (Ins), (S. dulcis) Kedongdong (Mal), Hevi (Phi), Makok Farang, Makok Thet (Tha)

Syzygium jambos


Ly, Bo Dao, Roi / Jambu Mawar, Jambu Kraton (Ins), Jambu Kelampok, Jambu Mawer (Mal), Tampoi, Bunlaun, Yambo (Phi), Chomphu Nam Dok Mai

Syzygium samarangense
(S. javanica)

Java apple, wax apple, chomphu

Man / Jambu Semarang, J. Klampok, J. Air Rhio (Ins), Jambu Air Mawar, J. Air Rhio (Mal), Makopa (Phi), C. Khieo, C. Nak, C. Kaem Maem (Tha)

Tamarindus indica


Trai Me / Asam, Asam Jawa, Tambaring (Ins), Asam Jawa (Mal), Sambak, Sambalagi, Sampalok, Kalamagi, Salomagi, Salunagi (Phi), Makham (Tha)

Vitis vinifera


Nho / Anggur (Ins, Mal), Ubas, Papas, Parras (Phi), A-ngun (Tha)

Ziziphus jujuba

Chinese jujube

Tau / Widara, Dara, Bidara (Ins), Bidara, Jujub, Epal Siam, Kuku Lang (Mal), Manzanitas (Phi), Phutsa (Tha)


Minor Fruits

These are fruits that are less commonly found in Vietnam, yet they have potential to be developed into commercial production, if improved cultivars and planting techniques could be developed. The list of minor fruits in Vietnam is presented in Table 2. However, only those that have the highest potential are described, namely avocado, banana, breadfruit, cashew nut, dragon fruit and mangosteen.

Table 2. List of minor fruits of Vietnam

Scientific name

Common name

Vietnamese / other names

Averrhoa bilimbi


Khe Tau / Belimbing Asam, B.Wuluh, B. Butuk (Ins, Mal), Kamias, Iba (Phi), Taling Pring (Tha)

Averrhoa carambola

star fruit, carambola

Khe / Belimbing Manis, B. Segi (Ins, Mal), Balimbing (Phi), Mafeung (Tha)

Baccaurea ramiflora

Burmese grape

Giau Gia Dat, Giau Tien, Dzau Mien Dzuoi / Mafai Setambun, Tajam Molek (Ins), Pupor, Tampoi, Tempui (Mal), Mafai Farang (Tha)

Chysophyllum cainito

caimito, star apple

Vu Sua / Sawo Ijo, Sawo Hijo, Sawo Kadu (Ins), Sawu Duren, Pepulut (Mal), Caimito (Phi), Sata Appoen (Tha)

xCitrofortunella microcarpa


Quat / Jeruk Peres, J. Kasturi, J. Potong, Limon Cina, Limon Cui (Ins), Limau Kesturi, L. Chuit, L. Sambal

(Citrus microcarpa,C. madurensis)

golden lime, musk lime

(Mal), Kalamondin, Kalamansi, Limonsito, Aldonisis (Phi), Som Chit, Som Mapit (Tha)

Citrus hystrix

porcupine orange

- / Jeruk Purut, J. Lemon Swanggi, Lemon Purut, Lemo Titigila, Limo Kambang, Lemo Karbau, Lemo Kabi (Ins), Limau Purut (Mal), Kabog, Amongpong, Katan, Kamugau, Buyak, Daruga, Malatbas, Kabuyan, Piris, Muntai, Pinukpok, Kobot (Phi), Makrut (Tha)

Citrus limon


Chanh Tay, Chanh Num / Jeruk Sitrun, J. Ponderosa, J. Khatta (Ins) Limau Mata, L. Mata Kerbau, L. Susu (Mal), Manao Farang, Manoa Thet (Tha)

Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis

Buddha’s hand,fingered citron

Phat Thu / Limau Jari (Mal), Som Mu (Tha)

Diospyros philippinensis
(D. blancoi)

velvet apple

Hong Nhung / Buah Mentenga, Bisbul, Mobolo (Ins), Buah Mentenga (Mal), Tabang (Phi), Marit (Tha)

Eriobotrya japonica


Ti Ba Diep, Nhot Nhat Ban, Nhot Tay / Lokwar (Ins, Mal), Lo-khwat (Tha)

Flacourtia rukam


Mung Guan Rung / Ganda Rukem, Rukam (Ins), Rukam Manis, Rukam Gajah (Mal), Amaiit, Aganas, Kalominga (Phi), Ta-khop Thai (Tha)

Fortunella japonica


Quat, Kim Quat, Tac / Jeruk Kumquat, Lemon Marura (Ins), Limau Jepun (Mal), Kham Khwat (Tha)

Limonia acidisssima

wood apple

Can Thang / Kawista, Kusta (Ins), Belinggai, Gelinggai (Mal), Makhwit (Tha)

Pithecellobium dulce

Guayamochil, Manila tamarind

Me Keo, Keo Tay / Assam Belanda, Asem Londo, Asam Koranji (Ins), Kamatsile, Kamachile (Phi), Makham Thet (Tha)

Syzygium cumini

Java plum

Voi Rung, Tram Moc / Jambu Jambolan (Ins, Mal), Duhat, Lumboi, Duatnasi, Dungboi (Phi), Wa (Tha)

Syzygium malaccense

Malay apple

Cay Dao, Cay Roi / Jambu Bol, Jamblang (Ins), Jambu Merah, Jambu Bol (Mal), Gubal, Mangkopa, Makopa, Yanbu, Tersana, Makopang-kalabaw, Samunagi (Phi), Chomphu Mamieo, Chomphu Saraek (Tha)


Areas of Production

Areas of fruit trees in Vietnam have been increasing with the changing of cropping system. In addition, with the policy of the Government to cover some areas in the mountainous regions with fruit trees, more areas have been planted to fruit crops. In 2003, the total areas of fruit trees in Vietnam was 643 550 ha, with total production of 5 695 000 tons (or the increase of 13.8% and 15%, respectively, as compared to 2000). The major fruit commodities are banana, lychee and longan, citrus, pineapple and mango, whose area and production are given below:

Banana: Area: 105 000 ha; total production: 1 365 000 tons; important provinces and area (ha): Ca Mau (7 000), Thanh Hoa (8,000), Song Nai (6 000), Soc Trang (6,500), Tra Vinh (3 400), Can Tho (3 000 ha), An Giang (3 000 ha).

Lychee and Longan: Area: 190 000 ha; total production: 694 000 tons; important provinces and area (ha): Bac Giang (25 500), Ben Tre (16 200), Tien Giang (13 528), Vinh long (9 500), Son La (9 600), Hai Dong (9 400), Quang Ninh (7 000), Hoa Binh (4 500).

Citrus: Area: 73 000 ha; total production 440 000 tons; important provinces and area (in ha): Can Tho (13 181), Ben Tre (6 000), Vinh Long (6 500), Ha giang (4 200), Nghe An (4 700), Dong Thap (3 200).

Pineapple: Area: 40 000 ha (in which 8 000 ha are grown to Cayenne varitey), total production: 337 500 tons; important provinces and area (in ha): Kien Giang (7 710), Tien Giang (6 830), Quang nam (2 320), Thanh Ho (1 600) Vµ Ninh Binh (1 572).

Mango: Area: 46 500 ha, total production: 209 400 tons; important provinces and area (in ha): Tien Giang (6 000), Binh Phuoc (4 205), Song Thap (3 700), Can Tho (3 500), Khanh Hoa (4 000).

In addition, there are relatively large areas in some provinces planted to some specific fruits, namely: plum (Bac Ha - Lao Cai), sweetsop (Lang Son), dragon fruit (Binh Thuan) and grape (Ninh Thuan).

Area and production of major fruits grown on seven agro-economic zomes of Vietnam are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Area and production of major fruits grown on seven agro-economic zones of Vietnam*




Kinds of fruit

North MiddleLand

32 335

313 600

lychee, plum, peach, grape, orange, 
apple, longan, persimmon

Red River Delta

12 774

173 700

lychee, longan, banana

North CentralCoast



orange, mandarin, pummelo,

South Central Coast

28 580

228 600

mango, cashew, pineapple, grape, dragon fruit

Central Highland

5 330

57 400

durian, rambutan, mangosteen, jackfruit, 
avocado, coffee, cocoa, sweetsop, jujube

South East

27 060

318 000


Mekong Delta

204 568

2 276 300

orange, longan, sapodilla, mandarin, 
pummelo, pineapple, durian, mangosteen,
rambutan, guava, soursop, papaya, mango


325 077**

3 3442 000**


* Data from NIAPP (1994)

** Updated figures for 2003 provided by Dr. Vu Manh Hai (Deputy Director of the Research Institute for Fruits and Vegetables, Hanoi) are: total area = 843 500 ha; total production = 5 695 000 tons




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